About Us
Our speech therapists are Registered Speech Therapists in Hong Kong, and/or members of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists. Led by experienced senior speech therapists, we provide professional and all-rounded services to elderly, adults, adolescence, and children.
We provide / have provided speech therapy services to:
Primary and Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Special Child Care Centres, Early Education Centres, Vocational Training Council (VTC), University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Education University of Hong Kong, Private Hospitals, Non-government organizations, e.g. Salvation Army, SAHK, Tung Wah Groups of Hospitals, Cigna, Prudential, Obra das Mães (Macau), Direcção dos Serviços de Educação e Juventude (Macau DSEJ – Education Bureau), and so on.
Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Sze Kuen LAM
Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
- Registered Speech and Language Therapists (Health and Care and Professions Council, UK)
- Certified Member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
- Member of The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST)
Miss Lam is a registered speech and language therapist in both the UK and Hong Kong. She was awarded B.Sc. (Speech & Hearing Sciences) and M.A. (Linguistics) from the University of Hong Kong. With more than 20 years of clinical experience, she has developed her expertise in speech, language, speech fluency, voice and swallowing therapy. She has practiced in a variety of settings, including preschool children centres, mainstream and special schools, private hospitals, elderly/nursing homes and so on in Hong Kong and Macau.
Besides direct therapy to clients, she provided clinical training to speech therapist students and speech therapists. She is the ex-Clinical Supervisor / Clinical Associate of the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She was also the Clinical Instructor of the Biber Protocol®️ NMES to train speech therapists in Hong Kong. Moreover, she has extensive experience in providing in-service training and patient education.
She provides face-to-face, as well as online therapy in English, Cantonese and Mandarin to clients in Hong Kong, Macau, the UK, the US and around the world.

Professional Development
Speech and Language Therapy
- Certified Provider of Beckman Oral Motor Examination & Intervention©
- Certified Provider of Sara-Rosenfeld Johnson’s Oral Placement Therapy (“Talktools Therapy”) (Level 1 and Level 2)
- Certified Trainer of Hanen®️ Program(It Takes Two to Talk, More Than Words)
- Certified Therapist of PROMPTtechniques
- Certified Trainer of PEERS®️Program (Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills)
- Certified Trainer of Picture Exchange Communication System(PECS)
Dysphagia (Swallowing Disorders)
- Certified Provider of Deep Pharyngeal Neuromuscular Stimulation (DPNS) for Dysphagia
- Certified Provider of Biber Protocol®️NMES for Dysphagia
- Certified Provider of Vitalstim®Therapy
Dysphonia (Voice Disorders)
- Certified Provider of Estill Voice Training(Level 1 and Level 2)
- Certified Provider of Voice Therapy Spectrum (VTS)
Miss Lam has provided speech therapy service to:
Non-government organizations, Private hospitals, Elderly/nursing homes, Special child care centres and early education & training centres, Mainstream primary & secondary schools, Special schools, Vocational Training Council (VTC), Macau Education and Youth Development Bureau and Obra das Mães